Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Orchids pt 3

So, you want to buy an orchid? What should you check for, other than nasty bugs (scale, aphids, mealy bug) and roots?

For a phaeleonopsis orchid, check the leaves.

If they are floppy/super bendy or wrinkled, that's a sick orchid. Don't buy it no matter how pretty the blooms are unless you don't mind chucking it out after the blooms fall off. Also, the blooms won't last as long if it's sick. See the roots hanging out? That's a good sign!

For orchids with grass-like leaves, stay away from wrinkled leaves as that means there's something wrong with the roots (probably root rot) and the plant is not getting enough moisture:

Most other orchids you will find (unless you're seeking out the unusual) have pseudobulbs.

This is what you might think of as a stem on a regular plant, but it's not quite the same. What these are are reservoirs the plant creates to hold moisture and nutrients. They should be plump, no dark/black parts (check the base) and minimal wrinkles.

If there's just the bulb, and no leaf, don't worry about that. It's normal. It just means the bulb is 'full' and doesn't need the leaf anymore:

So, remember the orchids I'm rehabbing? Like the one with no root system:

The reason this orchid will pull through, if I take care of it properly, is because it will live off the energy stored in the pseudobulbs to send out a new pseudobulb, and from there, new roots like the cattleya I have with crown rot:

Here's another orchid I'm rehabbing that looks pretty dead, right? The pseudobulbs are shrivelled, the leaves are brown/dying, and it's being held up by several supports:

 But look, see that tiny green shoot? That's a new pseudobulb coming! And you can see a couple new, healthy roots. This guy will survive with proper care.

For sick orchids like this, I keep a spray bottle of water and I mist the top of the bark a couple times a week. Keep the spray on 'mist' though, as you don't want to douse the already-sick plant in water and give it crown rot on top of everything...

Okay, that's the end of my orchid-nerd-fest.

Orchids pt 2

So, the last post was about some of the different kinds of orchids, this is going to be a bit about how to take care of them. Specifically, their roots.

First thing about orchids: there are many species from many parts of the world, so they all like a bit different treatment, but one thing is ALWAYS true.

Overwatering them will kill them faster than anything else. Their roots and leaves will rot very easily.

The main reason you will often buy a pretty orchid and it dies soon afterward?

The store/nursery where you bought it from overwatered it and killed most of the roots before you brought it home.

Whenever I buy a new orchid, although it's tempting to choose one with the prettiest blooms, I always get the one with the best roots because, like I said, they rot easily and unlike most plants, orchids do not just send out new roots. They only send out new roots from a new pseudobulb, so if their root system is rotten, it's tricky to coax an unhealthy orchid through until it's healthy enough to make new roots.

So don't be afraid to dig up the top layer of moss/bark/etc and check out the roots.

The first thing I do when I buy a new orchid is, AFTER it finished blooming, I re-pot it, and this is why:

 90% of the roots are dead. The only healthy ones are the pale ones. The rest are all rotten.

See the stuff in my hand in the picture below? That's sphagnum moss, what baby orchids are grown in, but as they get bigger, most growers/nurseries just keep putting them into a bigger pot with more moss.

Baby orchids do not have pseudobulbs to support them (next post), so they need more moisture. Sphagnum moss is ideal for that.

Mature orchid roots need air. They need to dry out. Packing them in moss ensures that it's nearly impossible to tell when it's time to water them and the moss holds/maintains a ton of moisture -> so, perfectly ideal for root-rot.

 Here's a comparison of a healthy and a dead root. Healthy roots should be whitish or green. They should also be stiff. The black root is completely rotten and that darker tan coloured root is newly dead.

 What I do is, I take the orchid out of its pot and soak just the roots in room temperature water for about 5-10 minutes. This makes the sphagnum moss easier to pull out and the roots are springier so they are less likely to break.

 Removing all the moss is a pretty tedious process. I also cut off all dead roots. Sometimes you are cutting off all roots except one or two, and that's fine. It's better to cut them off because the rotten roots will hold moisture and might end up rotting the healthy roots.

And sometimes you will cut off ALL the roots. This little guy has zero root system.

When I'm done, I'll repot the orchid in 90% orchid bark, 10% sphagnum moss, which means the medium doesn't hold very much water. A few are in peat/soil/vermiculite, but those are orchids with really small/thin roots.

I also pot them in clear orchid pots. This is good for several reasons. First, you can take the clear pot out of the ceramic/other decorative pot and visually see if it is dry all the way down to the bottom, which is when you water it. Second, you can visually see the condition of the roots. If they are too packed, you can see when you should repot them. Third, having a pot within a pot makes it easier to water them. My decorative pots do not have holes in the bottom, which is what I want because of how I water them. Notice the clear pots also have slits in them, this is because the roots need air.

I only water my orchids about once every 2 weeks. What I do is, I fill the pots with water (taking care NOT to get the plant wet) and let them sit and absorb water for about 5 minutes.

Then I lift the clear pot, dump the excess water out of the decorative pot, then set the clear pot back into the decorative pot. This way is super easy to water them without risking crown rot, and the orchid's roots will not be sitting in excess water.

Healthy roots look like this:

And you can see how big the bark is. This is a cattleya orchid. It and phaleonopsis orchids have the largest roots, so large bark is good. Also, these types of orchids actually photosynthesize with their roots, so loose medium where the roots can get out to the surface is a really good thing.

See these roots reaching for the light? And how they have green tips?

By the way, crown rot is when water gets in between the leaves, since orchids are jointed/layered, this is easy to do by mistake if you pour water onto an orchid instead of soaking just the roots. On a cattleya orchid, it looks like this:

See how black the plant is just above the new roots growing? And see all the dead roots? This is an orchid I'm rehabilitating, but it's strong, and the new root growth is a super good sign.

Orchids pt 1

Okay, so I may not be a crazy cat lady, but I will admit to being a bit of a crazy orchid lover.

At last count, I THINK I have 43 orchids, but that number isn't exact because often, in a couple of larger pots, I've got 5 or 6 separate plants.

Another reason I'm not 100% sure is, after I moved from Kits to Langley, I actually deposited my orchids at my parent's place, which are taking up prime real estate on their many windowsills. The suite I'm currently in is a basement suite, so it doesn't have very good light.

They don't mind because when I drop by to re-pot, fertilize or water my orchids, I take care of my mom's orchids as well. She only has about 10 or so, and most of hers are the very easy to take care of & familiar phalaenopsis orchids:

Since I'm at home, I'm just pulling pictures off the web of plants similar to ones I own. Most of my orchids are not blooming right now, they're putting all their energy into growing new pseudobulbs (yes, I'll explain that term).

Phalaenopsis are great because the blooms can last a couple months, if you take care of it. Also, they come in many colours and are relatively cheap ($10-$30).

But I don't really love them for one reason: they aren't scented.

Also, they seem to get mealy bug really easily and, once it's in there, it's pretty near impossible to get rid of since they crawl down into the crown of the leaves, and then they infest your other plants.

The orchids I buy are mostly scented ones, but I also have a very good sense of smell, so sometimes I can pick up a perfume on an orchid that others can't.

Here are a few of the scented types of orchids that I have:

Cattleya's are my favourites, all the images I pulled off the web are all similar to ones I have:

They either come in the big, single bloom (can be 8" in diameter!), or have multiple smaller flowers (like, 4" each) on one pseudobulb. They all smell heavenly, and all different from spicy to sweet.

I also like oncidium varieties, but a lot of people can't smell these, or find the scent very light. The flowers can be a spray of multiple tiny (less than 1") flowers, like this one (which smells like honey):

Or up to 8" tall, like this one (which smells like lemon):

And come in a multiple of sizes, shapes, and colours. Some smell spicy, some sweet, and some even smell a little like chocolate.

Also, most people don't know this, but the vanilla bean plant (where we get vanilla) is actually from the orchid family:

There are many other kinds of orchids, and I have a few of them, like:

Okay, I think that's enough for one post.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Little sketches

Physio on my shoulder is going well, the nerves are less pinched, which means I am doing silly little sketches again as rehab.

Nothing spectacular, seriously, it still hurts to hold a pen/pencil longer than 10-20 minutes, but here are a few little sketches I spun out and gave a quick colouring job in Photoshop.

I don't know why, but when I'm doodling, it's usually odd little critters/beasts that come out... I think the fire dog-thingy is kinda cute :) He reminds me a bit of a French Bulldog. No idea what the dragon-morphing thing coming out of the cloud is, I was just randomly making curling shapes at the end of the wave that turned into a cloud that turned into... rain that turned into... a beastie. Yeah, no thought at all behind that one ;)

The green & yellow floral thing was a fast/simple design that I may want to put on baby-gift-related something-or-other in the future.

The green singer/castle/wave was sketched after I wrote this little bit of flash fiction and considered (for 5 minutes) of making a short graphic comic/story out of it. I still might, one day.

The mouse... yeah, y'know when I was playing around with creating designs for (potentially) an interactive/app-type kids book? I've got a rough script for a mouse story in my head as well, essentially two mice 'fighting' each other with imagination.

Anyways, nothing I spent a lot of time on, but it's nice to hold a pencil again (for short spurts), even if my control still sucks too much to even consider picking up a paint brush :)

...good thing this old soccer injury/pinched-nerve thing doesn't affect typing skills or I would be absolutely insane by now with zero creative outlets...

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Synesthetic Artist

Wow, I stumbled across this interesting artist a few days ago...

A quick definition via the Free Dictionary:


 also syn·aes·the·sia  (sĭn′ĭs-thē′zhə)
1. condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearingof a sound produces the visualization of a color.
2. sensation felt in one part of the body as a result of stimulus applied to another, as in referredpain.
3. The description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another.

So, this artist paints the colours she sees while listening to music.

Check out her site, not all are to my personal taste, but I would certainly love to hang a few of these on my wall...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Triangular ceramic box

Was over visiting a family friend's place recently, and saw this:

It's something I made in university. After I fulfilled all the requirements for my Honours Degree, I needed (essentially) 2 more classes worth of electives. So, I took a condensed ceramics class in the summer, partially because I've done all kinds of ceramics work before so it would be easy, and partially because it's a heck of a lot of fun, and after packing my schedule to complete my degree in just under 1.5 years, I figured my final class/credits should be enjoyable :)

The project requirement was to make a slab box, which means rolling (with a special roller) out thin sheets of clay, cutting them into geometric shapes, and scoring/wetting the edges to build a box. Generally this works best when you use 90 degree angles

Every person in the class built a square/rectangular box, maybe 2 or 3 put a lid on theirs.

Since I'm never satisfied (well, let's me honest... it's that I'm not interested) in boring/status quo things like that, I built this odd little triangular box/dish which is wider on the top than it is on the bottom (so, no 90 degree angles were used) and sculpted a fancy little handle for the lid.

 The lid sits in place on three extruding triangular pieces, so air is meant to get inside.

...and because I do like making things look nice, I angled the points so it fits softer in place, and pressed three triangular impressions on the 'feet' of the lid and also inlaid them with glaze.

It was kind of fun/nostalgic to see this sitting out on display, and nice to know she liked/likes it enough to keep it out.

I know I've got more pieces, but they're in boxes, tucked away to survive the next time I move.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Really cool reflective cups/saucers

Since Alcar, my longest writing buddy, sent me this link (watch the video, seriously), I'm sort of taking it as a challenge... (even though I'm positive those geometric designs are decals, not hand-painted)... make my own...

(ignore the hideous tablecloth -> it's simply to protect the table)

Step #1:

...we'll see how step #2 goes tomorrow...

I haven't decided whether to paint the saucer with lustres or with regular paint... hmmmm... will sleep on it. Measuring and drawing on the design took about 2 hours because, like the piggy bank that I painted a 10 point lotus on, measuring for a 14 point design is pretty darn hard.

I need to stop quadrupling the work, especially when I'm only playing around/experimenting with something new. life would be easier if I wasn't my own worst enemy...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Amazingly fantastic porcelain beasts

I'm definitely anti-clutter, anti-knick-knack, and anti-anything-that-requires-dusting, but these little guys make me want to re-evaluate my position on the matter. Here are pics of a couple of my favourites :)